Kit includes 6 LED lamps and an electronic flasher with CLICK.
California Special LED sequential Taillight kit. Our new design integrates the microprocessor right in the lamp base itself. This new kit includes a switch to change from sequential to standard operation on the go! Mount the switch under your dash for easy change overs. LEDs fit it existing lamp socket hole just like the original lamp but are up to 5X brighter! Convert your old incandescent lamps and broken sequential units to brighter more reliable LED operation. NO wiring changes needed! Convert back to original at any time. Looks stock but LEDs are far brighter and redder! Get sequential operation any time you want with the flick of a switch. Our new electronic flasher comes standard with "click" sound!
Simply replace your incandescent lamps with our LED modules install the new flasher module under the dash and go! Hook in the switch for on the go sequential to standard changeovers!